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23 MAY
Porto Alegre, RS

Kodex participates in the South Summit 2023

Logistics landed at South Summit 2023, and Kodex is part of this great global meeting of the innovation ecosystem, connection between startups, companies and global investment funds that took place in Porto Alegre between March 29 and 31.

Innovation is a reality present in Kodex' daily lives. We constantly seek to improve our processes through initiatives that have innovation as the way to the best results. And to make all this tangible, we are aware of market trends. To be a company that delivers intelligent logistics, Kodex goes further, seeks alternatives that can be built and executed with its business partners. And that has innovation as its basis. For us, it is not enough to say that we are innovative, we really need to be. We are attentive to the movements generated by innovation, and especially in the solutions it makes available for transport in Brazil and in the world.

Our participation in the South Summit was scheduled even before the event began. That's because we brought an airship with our brand, which left São Paulo towards Porto Alegre, flying over several cities in Brazil over 12 days until landing here.

But why an airship?
We brought the first airship manufactured in Latin America. The aircraft that is 50 metres long and powered by gasoline is a complete version, used for flights with passengers and advertising. But our intention is to promote the modal as an alternative for transport in remote locations, since it transports up to a ton and a half in the cabin. This is a project that aims to strengthen structure to transport up to 30 tons and avoid forest cuts, taking logistics ever further.

In addition, our participation also took place in the Catamaran Viva Guaíba, fully structured to accommodate the lectures, meetings and networking, bringing another modal as a differential in the middle of transport.

And to experience all this, our employees were at South Summit Brazil 2023, with the aim of strengthening an engaged team, which believes in the same ideal to go further and further. Our directors Thais and Alexandre tell us about their optics, how this experience was.

Alexandre Kieling explains that Kodex is a company that lives the transformation and innovation in its daily life. We understand that it is essential to participate in events that foster this environment and strengthen our ideal that innovating is not restricted to ultra innovative actions and processes, nor the need to reinvent the wheel, but from positive results generated from small optimisations in the simple processes of the routine. We offer solutions that make a difference for our customers, through really intelligent logistics. This experience can expand Kodex' repertoire by optimising the lives of the people who make our daily lives and the people who test and approve our service.

Our expectation is that more and more we can bring news that are plausible, in a scenario where the word innovation is beaten, really bringing the essence of it. It is also essential that we can emphasise a culture where innovation can really be implemented in simple processes and services, thinking outside the box and bringing solutions to simple problems.

Thais Bandeira states that March 2023 will be a month to stay in the history of Kodex. We participated in the largest innovation event in Latin America. We made history, bringing logistics to the centre of debates on innovation and transport. We saw an opportunity to connect to one of the largest global innovation meetings, along with companies and people engaged in discussions about the future, as well as Kodex. We also understand how important it is for our sector to be close, presenting all its grandeur and relevance, along with the South Summit ecosystem. That's why we bet on this investment of bringing the airship so that everyone could know more about our purpose and culture of innovation.

This was an indescribable experience, a milestone for both our company and our sector. It was something unprecedented to have this connection closer to society, showing our solutions in a very creative and innovative way. Kodex will undoubtedly greatly expand its repertoire of logistics solutions from this immersion and important connections in order to evolve with the purpose of offering a unique experience.

For the rest of the year, we will be focussing on events in the area of health, offshore and technology, to present our logistics solutions, in addition to already preparing the participation of our brand in South Summit 2024. We believe very much that this approach will bring us many fruits and insights. Another bet is to continue investing in projects with the Caldeira Institute to add more value in our purpose of selling time and not transportation.

We believe that "Transport moves Brazil and drives innovation"