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30 JUNE/23
Porto Alegre, SP

Transport breaks borders, crosses continents and expands relationships.

In this spirit, Kodex participated in the CIT Extraordinary General Assembly, which took place in Mozambique between July 12th and 14th, 2023. Our Director Alexandre Kieling represented Kodex, presenting a panel on Integration in Brazilian Intermodality, and shared with us this incredible experience for world logistics.

“ We participated in the Extraordinary General Assembly of the CIT - International Chamber of the Transport Industry, an entity linked to the CNT and SEST SENAT that propose an interaction of the transport sector between the countries. This was the first meeting on the African continent and Mozambique was invited to be part of the system. I had the opportunity to conduct, together with Lucas Scapini, the panel on intermodality in Brazil, addressing the functionality of logistics in general in our country, from logistics to road and air transport. The event was organized for three days of much learning. The first day involved a qualification given at the university where several professionals shared their experiences. On the second day, we presented the panel and carried out a technical visit to the Port of Maputo. The closing was with the business forum and business roundtables, in addition to the availability of interaction between the participants. We returned with a luggage full of new ideas and projects to develop together with other companies and transport entities as a whole, operating in Brazil on the main logistics routes.”

About the Assembly:
The International Chamber of Transport Industry (CIT) held its Extraordinary General Assembly in Maputo, capital of Mozambique. The meeting brought together transport industry leaders and representatives from around the world to discuss and promote the development of the sector in a global context.

The first event on the agenda was the International Certificate Course in Management and Digital Education - Logistics, Innovation, Trade and Business with Africa in the Globalized World, held at the Technical University of Mozambique (UDM). With the presence of renowned experts in the field of international logistics, participants were able to explore strategies to drive efficiency and innovation in business, taking into account the particularities of the African market. It was also composed of the Women's Round Table, where it was possible to see how women are making their way in the world of the transport industry every day.

The second day was marked by the delivery of the Inter-American Transport Order of Merit Medal (OMITRans). The honor is given to personalities who stand out for their performance and contribution to the development of the Transport industry. It was also the day of the main meeting, with presentations of international cases. And it was also an opportunity for businessmen to show the best of Mozambique and its potential, such as the Ports, as major regional and international trade corridors.

On the third day, the Chamber of Commerce of Mozambique held the Business Forum, which brought together businessmen, industrial leaders and government representatives to discuss investment opportunities and strategic partnerships in the transport and logistics sector. The closing of the Business Forum marked the end of the Assembly, providing a unique platform for participants to explore the growth potential of the Mozambican market, as well as to establish valuable contacts with local and international companies. Several key sectors are covered, including maritime, air, land and logistics.

It is the strength of Kodex taking our logistics to the world.